oh hey! I’m cait (she/her) and i’m super jazzed you’re here
As a practicing Witch with lineages from Irish and Italian traditions, Cait supports creatives who want to get out of the shitty toxic burnout cycle and build their service-based business, all with the help of magic (in a non-culturally appropriative way)
Cait is also an Integrative Nutrition coach, multi-disciplinary artist, and burlesque performer, who uses a mixture of holistic wellness practices, spirituality, spell work, sensuality + sex magic, life coaching, and money mindset work to help creatives feel their best while they explore and heal their ancestral line, move through blocks, tap into the cycles of nature, and learn to work from a place of flowww (instead of always overworking and overachieving).
Some fun facts about me
I’m a Capricorn Sun, Sagittarius Moon, Aries Rising, with a Sagittarius stellium
I love taking wildly long hikes in the woods and mountains
I ran my coaching biz as a side-hustle for 7 years before taking it full time
I can stilt-walk
Sometimes parades and musicals make me cry happy tears
My great grandmother was an Italian witch who removed the evil eye for folks
Sometimes I can channel dead people
I originally thought I would work in arts non-profits forever, but had to leave after experiencing my own major burnout (and watching my collaborators burn out at the same time)