4 Ways to make the most of virgo szn

Woman smiling about Virgo season

After the last few days of fiery Leo season (the epitome of #hotgirlsummer).... Grounding and structured Virgo season is here!

That may sound lame, but I PROMISE you it isn't. I love the shit out of an earth sign season, they are the reset we so oftne need.

Virgo season is that fresh, new, organized, back-to-school "got my new binders and trapper keeper" vibe. It helps us to take stock of our energy levels and well-being, so we can truly root down and make important things happen.

Y'all been feeling that "I gotta get my shit together" vibe? The ping to maybe make those doctors appointments you've been sitting on? Take care of those adulting tasks you've been putting off?

That's mama Virgo energy, and she wants you get yourself set tf up for success (and you know, maybe clean out your closet).

Here are some of the best ways to work with the energy of Virgo season (I consider ALL of these part of my self-care practices):

  • Get organized. Channel Marie Kondo and ditch the things that no longer bring you joy and that you're no longer using. Make lists of tasks to be completed and then actually do them. Use this time to create space physically and emotionally. Essentially, you are creating the structure you need to allow for more creativity/divine wisdom to flow (which makes it easier to build that creative service-based bizzzzzz)

  • Turn inward. Leo season wanted us to be out and about (socially distanced and safely, of course), but Virgo reminds us to take the time to reflect on what has been going well, and what maybe needs some course correcting. Schedule out some solo time to day dream, make art, and journal. This is where your inner witch, spirit guides, and ancestors speak to you, so let yourself tap into their wisdom so you can use it to continue to grow.

  • Check in with your health. How's your energy been lately? How about your diet? Your sleep? Virgo loves to organize our wellness routines so we can be feeling our damn best for the start of the Fall. If you're feeling out of sorts, seek support, and maybe hire a coach who loves to help folks heal from chronic burnout ;)

  • Power through the pile. Have a stack of unfinished projects/paperwork to sort through? Now's the time to get that shit DONE and off your plate so you can focus on new exciting ventures in your career/biz, spiritual journey, and personal life (love, relationships, all that jazz).

Virgo still enjoys the loveliness of summer, while also reminding us that as the seasons shift we do too. It's a call to create more balance and organization, so we can continue moving forward towards our goals and dreams, and so we can heal ourselves and the collective in a sustainable way.


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